Transport by Private Car
Transport by private car is recommended only if you need to cover longer distances or travel outside of the city.
According to the latest data, car traffic in Prague is second to public transport in getting around the city. If you do not have to drive, it is strongly encouraged to use the public transport.
Car traffic, especially in the city center, is very dense during working days, especially in the morning and afternoon peak hours - see current traffic situation.
Recommendations for Drivers:
Familiarize yourself the current traffic rules and regulations enforced in the Czech Republic. Although they are mostly similar as in other European countries, specific rules apply to each country. In the Czech Republic, these are:
- zero tolerance for driving under the influence (also applies to cyclists);
- all vehicles are required to drive with daytime running lights during the whole year;
- motorcycle helmet use is compulsory for all motorcyclist (regardless of the size and power of the motorcycle);
- distinct form of informative traffic signage (color and supplementary signs may wary and are in Czech).
Be Aware:
- Speed measurement - on selected sections of roads, adherence to the speed limit is monitored by cameras (a list of these places is available at: The violations are monitored and followed on by the Municipal Police of the City of Prague.
- Running a red light - selected intersections are monitored by red light cameras, and penalties for the offenses are issued. (camera map)
- Parking
- Comply with the rules set for paid parking zones. Parking is strictly controlled, and nonobservance of the rules could lead to fines.
- Respect other reserved parking spaces - namely reserved parking spaces for the disabled. Incompliance is, at least, a fine.
What to Do When:
- You do not find the car where you parked it:
- In the best-case scenario, it was towed due to being parked illegally. You can get more information by calling 156 or checking if the vehicle has been towed on a website:
- If your vehicle has been stolen, call the Police at 158.
- A car accident during which physical injuries or a material damage (exceeding CZK 100,000) were sustained must be immediately reported to the Police by calling 158.
Useful Contacts:
ÚAMK (Central Automoto Club) - Assistance Service Provider - Emergency Center - Phone: 1230 - NON STOP
Ministry of Transport -
Important Phone Numbers for Drivers:
- Emergency number – tel. 112
- Czech police – tel. 158
- City police – 156 (towed cars)
- Ambulance – tel. 155