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Celkem záznamů: 8313
Prague international streetball tournament is back in Wenceslas Square!

8.7.2019 — On Saturday, the 13th of July, the oldest European streetball tournament - Prague International Streetball Cup - returns for its 17th year. The competition will take place in the heart of Prague, in Můstek in Wenceslas Square.

Music Walks on Sundays at Prague Zoo

14.6.2020 — 'Hudební vycházky' (Music Walks) are outdoor classical music concerts which take place in Prague Zoo in front of Gočár's Houses. After fourteen successful years, the event has become a traditional part of summer at the zoo. Not only animal lovers, but also classical music fans, will be at the zoo every Sunday until the beginning of October. The open-air concerts will take place once again in front of Gočár's Houses at the top of the zoo for two hours on Sundays. More and more music lovers seek out the event for its informal setting and quality music.

Prague Spring presents: Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival 2019

15.11.2019 — Five excellent pianists will take part in the seventh annual Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival, which will take place between the 17th and the 23rd of November. This year, festival goers can once again look forward to an extraordinary music experience.

First World War photography exhibition in Invalidovna

19.8.2019 — The exhibition, entitled 'Jenda Rajman's Camera' ('Fotoaparátem Jendy Rajmana'), that is on in Invalidovna, Prague, documents Czech participation on the Italian front during the First World War.

Prague Writer’s Festival 2020

6.10.2020 — The international literary festival in Prague has been introducing the world's most renowned writers and the best world literature for the past 30 years. The Prague Writer's Festival will take place between the 7th and the 11th of October in the Convent of St. Agnes and Rock Café this year.

Super Ball World Open 2023

1.8.2023 — Nejlepší freestylisté z celého světa se sejdou mezi 6. a 11. srpnem v Praze, aby předvedli své dovednosti na Super Ball World Open 2023.

Tenth annual Lunchmeat Festival in Prague

29.9.2019 — Lunchmeat Festival, an annual international festival dedicated to advanced electronic music and new media art, will take place between the 30th of September and the 5th of October. This year, the tenth annual audio-visual festival will take place in four venues.

European Day of Languages 2019

24.9.2019 — Language diversity will be celebrated on the 26th of September. In Prague, you can take part in linguistic games in Campus Hybernská and Lucerna Gallery.

Oceanáruium na Letné dostane šanci

19.7.2005 — Společnost Underwater World Oceanarium upravila studii oceanária na Letné tak, aby vyhověla požadavkům ochrany přírody, které si město určilo. Novou studií se dnes zabývala městská rada, která ji vzala na vědomí a uložila zpracovat návrh na změnu územního plánu, která realizaci projektu umožní. Současně uložila zpracovat i návrh předběžné nájemní smlouvy se společností, který by měl být připraven do konce srpna.

Enter into the world of Charlie Chaplin's silent film

19.2.2020 — On the 20th of February, Prague City Gallery will organise another of the accompanying programs to the exhibition 'Devětsil 1920 - 1931' - a screening of 'Kid', the historical Charlie Chaplin's movie.