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Celkem záznamů: 17626
Josef Sudek Gallery presents an exhibition of unique photos from Carpathian Ruthenia

19.1.2019 — Podkarpatská Rus (Carpathian Ruthenia), an exhibition of photos by Bohumil Vavrouška, will be open in the Josef Sudek Gallery, a branch of the Prague Museum of Decorative Arts, until 27th January 2019.

Sabine Reinfeld: obsessive and imaginable objects

30.9.2020 — As part of the 10th year of the Fotograf Festival, The Josef Sudek Studio in the Lesser Town of Prague is hosting an exhibition by the German photographer Sabine Reinfeld entitled 'Imaginable I, Obsessive Objects X Obsessive I, Imaginable Objects'. The exhibition takes place until the 11th of October. The aim of the tenth Fotograf Festival is to give space to works that create or address an encounter with the other and to resurrect the function that can be attributed in this way to documentary photography and motion picture.

Alarming exhibition in Prague Zoo

31.1.2020 — The Stolen Wildlife' ('Ukradená divočina') exhibition was originally created for Ostrava Zoo. After being displayed in Hodonín Zoo, it has now arrived in Prague Zoo, where it can be seen in front of the Education Centre.

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21.12.2005 —