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Celkem záznamů: 189774
Prague Zoo invites you to talks about saving gibbons

20.5.2019 — On Monday, the 20th of May 2019, Anthony D. Sheridan, a member of the Zoological Society of London, will familiarise visitors of Prague Zoo with endangered primates.

Radní schválili peníze na úklid zeleně podél Strakonické

17.6.2003 — Městská rada dnes schválila zvýšení rozpočtu běžných výdajů Technické správy komunikací o pět miliónů korun na úklid zeleně podél ulice Strakonická na území městské části Praha Lipence, Velká Chuchle a Zbraslav. Peníze jsou určeny na letošní rok, i když akce bude delší.

Celebrations for giraffes and elephants in Prague Zoo

20.6.2020 — The weekend of the 21st and the 22nd of June will be dedicated to large African mammals in Prague Zoo. World Giraffe Day celebrations and a baby elephant christening will take place here. World Giraffe Day falls on the 21st of June, the longest day of the year, but it will be celebrated in Prague Zoo on Saturday, the 20th of June, this year. The Giraffe Conservation Foundation, who announced this day, protects and monitors these incredible mammals in the wild. Zoos celebrate giraffes on this day all around the world.

Explore trilobite fossils in Prague Zoo

22.9.2020 — All visitors to the zoo probably know the pavilions, enclosures and expositions. However, the zoological garden also offers the opportunity to walk local trails, leading to a time when the planet Earth was just being formed. The Geostezka path leading from the ungulate enclosures to Gočár Houses in the upper part of the zoo winds around the rock massif so closely that it does not allow for the construction of pavilions and enclosures with animals. Here, visitors can focus on the paleontological trail called 'Footprints in Time'.

Prague Zoo exhibition captures the beauty of Przewalski’s horses

31.10.2020 — Do not despair if you missed the exhibition 'The Beauty of Wild Horses' in Prague Zoo before its closure. The garden has prepared an online version of the exhibition, which is now available on their website. Prague Zoo has played an important role in saving Przewalski's horse from extinction since 1921, and more recently, in returning these wild horses to their natural habitat, the steppes of central Asia. The zoo also keeps a breed registry for Przewalski's horse species.

Prague Zoo to build new Arctic pavilion

22.10.2020 — Prague Zoo has been breeding polar bears since 1932, and they have had several significant breeding successes since then. However, taking care of them is very difficult and the 80-year-old pavilion is no longer suitable, so Prague Zoo is going to build a new Arctic pavilion.

Do zoo za mláďaty

26.6.2024 — Na poslední tři červnové dny připravila pražská zoologická zahrada pro malé i velké návštěvníky zábavnou kvízovou stezku napříč areálem.

V pražské ZOO děti dostávaly ceny

14.6.2004 — Den plný her, zábavy a poznávání exotických zvířat si užily děti v pražské zoologické zahradě. Akci pod názvem „Spolu dětem“ zde pro malé i velké připravily tuto sobotu (12.6.) akciové společnosti Pražská energetika, a.s. a Pražská plynárenská, a.s.