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Celkem záznamů: 17683
Special admission to the National Technical Museum

30.6.2019 — As part of its hundredth anniversary celebrations, the National Technical Museum is offering reductions on admission prices on Thursday, the 5th of July. The museum is the largest Czech institution that specialises in technical collections, and it was founded on the 5th of July 1908 as the Technical Museum of the Bohemian Kingdom. Currently, its collections are in 14 permanent exhibitions and a number of temporary exhibitions.

Wine tasting in Ctěnice

15.4.2019 — Wine lovers, listen! Wine tasting season is about to start! On the 27th of April, you can taste delicious wines from small wineries that have their own family traditions in the picturesque Ctěnice Chateau.

Horror exhibition in MeetFactory

21.7.2020 — TOO HOT by Eva Jaroňová is the first post-pandemic exhibition in the MeetFactory gallery in Smíchov. Eva Riebová, the Kostka Gallery curator, had to cancel the Indian artist Afrah Shafiq's exhibition due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, she was given the opportunity to seek out a Czech artist and discovered Eva Jaroňová, who participated in the Kostka Gallery's open call in the past.

Hlavní město Praha na veletrhu investičních příležitostí

5.10.2012 — Hlavní město Praha bude letos již tradičním účastníkem EXPO REAL 2012, mezinárodního odborného veletrhu komerčních nemovitostí a investic, který se koná v Mnichově od 8. do 10. října. Praha zde návštěvníky i potenciální investory seznámí se svými nejvýznamnějšími městskými projekty.

Dear Praguers,

8.2.2013 — Take full advantage of the winter months and enjoy sports in our city – go skiing, ice-skating or swimming in the new Šutka Aquacentre.

Music Walks on Sundays at Prague Zoo

14.6.2020 — 'Hudební vycházky' (Music Walks) are outdoor classical music concerts which take place in Prague Zoo in front of Gočár's Houses. After fourteen successful years, the event has become a traditional part of summer at the zoo. Not only animal lovers, but also classical music fans, will be at the zoo every Sunday until the beginning of October. The open-air concerts will take place once again in front of Gočár's Houses at the top of the zoo for two hours on Sundays. More and more music lovers seek out the event for its informal setting and quality music.