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Celkem záznamů: 17683
Sustainability indicators of the City of Prague

21.6.2007 — the text based on the chapter Sustainability indicators of the City of Prague published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006, yearbook Prague Environment 2005 and yearbook Prague Environment 2004

Náměstek Hlaváček: Se změnou Florence bychom mohli magistrálu položit na zem

13.12.2021 — 13. 12. 2021, Tisk, E15, Deník, CZECH NEWS CENTER, a.s., Petr Hlaváček

Má na starosti pražskou dopravu: Jak to bude s barrandovským mostem?

8.12.2018 — Zdroj: auto.cz | Kategorie: Auto-moto Vydavatel: CZECH NEWS CENTER, a.s. Autor: Petr Slováček 8. prosince 2018, 17:47


30.11.2011 — There are many ways how to travel in Prague: the beauty of the city can be explored by tram, metro, bus, boat, funicular, taxi, car or bike. The most comfortable way to travel in the historical centre is the public transport, which can take you almost anywhere. It is cheap and quick. Travelling by car is recommended only exceptionally.

Na okrajích Prahy stavíme parkovací domy, ale auta z města vytlačovat nechceme, tvrdí Hřib

15.10.2021 — 15. 10. 2021, Online, e15.cz, CZECH NEWS CENTER, a.s., Zdeněk Hřib


11.4.2009 — Designblok - každoroční týdenní přehlídka novinek světového designu

Important notice - COVID-19

11.3.2020 — Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a novel coronavirus, which means this virus has not been found before. However, we know that the virus transmits mainly via (a) direct contact with droplets from an infected person; and (b) indirect contact by touching contaminated surfaces where the virus can survive for a short time.