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Celkem záznamů: 17626
Islands of musical discoveries in Karlín

30.5.2019 — From Friday, the 31st of May to Saturday, the 1st of June, the 16th United Islands of Prague festival will take place at Karlín, a popular location in Prague.

Liechtenstein Palace, Prague’s Classicist gem, opens to visitors

23.7.2020 — The palaces in Prague are opening after the coronavirus closure. The Government of the Czech Republic will open the unique Liechtenstein Palace on Kampa Island to the public on Saturday the 25th of July.

Clarinet Factory concert to support palliative care

9.10.2019 — On the 10th of October, Clarinet Factory will perform classical, jazz, world and electronic music in La Fabrika cultural centre in Holešovice, Prague. The concert is held to celebrate World Hospice and Palliative Care Day and the four musicians will perform in support of Cesta domů Home Hospice in Prague.

Radní Vorlíčková zprůhledňuje veřejné zakázky na odboru IT

20.2.2012 — Do konce června vyhlásí radní elektronickou aukci na služby mobilního operátora. Rozhodujícím faktorem pro myšlenku uspořádání nového výběrového řízení je právě snaha o snížení ceny za poskytování mobilních služeb elektronických komunikací.

Bezbariérovost splňuje asi jen desetina pražských sportovišť. Pomoci zlepšit situaci má nový plán rozvoje sportu

8.12.2020 — Hlavní město si nechalo vypracovat analýzu od poradenské společnosti Moore Czech Republic, s níž spolupracovalo na novém plánu rozvoje sportu a sportovišť v Praze. Z analýzy mimo jiné vyplývá požadavek veřejnosti, aby byla sportoviště více bezbariérová. V současnosti to ovšem splňuje jen zhruba každé desáté zařízení. Zlepšit tuto situaci má plán rozvoje sportu, který si klade za cíl zvýšit přístupnost sportovišť handicapovaným, a to zejména výstavbou nových zařízení. Za tímto účelem fungovaly odborné pracovní skupiny, kterých se účastnily i organizace zastřešující handicapované sportovce.

The 20th Summer Festivities of Early Music – a highlight of the music season in Prague

15.7.2019 — The 20th Anniversary of the Summer Festivities of Early Music has started! The first of seven exclusive evenings of music took place on the 11th of July and the international music festival will run until the 6th of August. The well-known festival has been connecting old music with architecture for 20 years, as the concerts take place at specially selected historical venues in the Czech capital city, such as the Convent of Saint Agnes, Břevnov Monastery, Troja Château, and Rudolfinum.

New Russian art exhibition in DOX

23.10.2019 — A new exhibition, 'Russia. Timeless', is running in DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Holešovice in Prague until the 2nd of December. The exhibition introduces strong artistic opinions from contemporary Russia. "The exhibition shows the theme of timelessness over the past sixty years by artists of different generations and aesthetic beliefs. We want them to stand side by side and together, without categorising them as more or less important than each other. Each visitor can decide that for themselves and according to their own opinion," Tomáš Glanc, one of the exhibition's curators, said.

Stream films and documentaries with DAFilms.cz

16.10.2020 — he streaming service DAFilms.cz regularly introduces important titles from Czech and world cinematography. Forget the pandemic for a while and check out the latest available films. The DAFilms.cz website, which offers many interesting films and documentaries, is the fruit of the creative cooperation between 7 key European documentary film festivals associated in the Doc Alliance. The aim of the project is to push the boundaries of documentary film, to promote its diversity and to promote quality original films.