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Celkem záznamů: 17626
Cyklus Stará hudba zahájí soubor Czech Ensemble Baroque

27.9.2023 — Proslulý cyklus koncertů Symfonického orchestru hlavního města Prahy FOK s názvem Stará hudba zahájí 10. října 2023 od 19:30 hodin v kostele sv. Šimona a Judy v Praze dirigent Roman Válek se svým souborem Czech Ensemble Baroque. Na programu je zařazena suita Znějící zeměpis, sestavená především z hudby Georga Philippa Telemanna, ale i dalších autorů.

The Battle of White Mountain to be re-enacted at Vypich

18.9.2020 — On the 19th and the 20th of September, a spectacular re-enactment of the Battle of White Mountain (Bitva na Bílé hoře), which was fought 400 years ago, will take place in Prague 6, along with an accompanying programme and a historic market. Hundreds of enthusiasts from all over Europe will take part in the event introducing a dramatic episode of Czech history. The reconstruction of the battle, which was a turning point for the Czech lands, is organised by the Bílá hora 1620 association. The re-enactment, which is one of the largest events of its kind in Europe, aims for the highest level of authenticity possible.

Masks for Prague

25.3.2020 — The lack of face masks in Prague has led to a huge wave of solidarity, as people make marks at home and give them to their fellow citizens. However, masks must be sterilised and effectively distributed.