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Celkem záznamů: 17626
Pražský magistrát rozšiřuje úřední hodiny kontaktních míst veřejné správy Czech POINT

7.4.2020 — S platností od 8. dubna 2020 zavádí Magistrát hl. m. Prahy rozšířenou provozní dobu odboru služeb pro agendy Czech POINT, ověřování, evidence vozidel taxi a hlavní podatelny ve Škodově paláci. Ke změně dochází v návaznosti na ukončení Mimořádného opatření Ministerstva zdravotnictví ze dne 30. března 2020, bodu I/3 mimořádného opatření ve vztahu ke kontaktním místům veřejné správy (Czech POINT).

Libraries offer free e-books to help during the coronavirus pandemic

3.4.2020 — Czech libraries are closed, but you can download books in Czech and English, legally and for free, from electronic resources.

Statistics 2016

21.5.2015 —

Statistics 2017

21.5.2015 — Statistics 2017

Popmuseum tells the history of musical co-operation between Czech and Slovak artists

14.1.2019 — Until the end of February, you can visit an exhibition about the history of 'Czecho-Slovakian' music in Popmuseum, a museum and archive of popular music. The country of Czechoslovakia existed under different names from the Declaration of Independence on the 28th October 1918 to its peaceful dissolution on the 1st of January 1993. However, the music scenes of the two countries stayed closely linked even after the common republic ceased to exist and that is why the exhibition rightly celebrates the hundred years of this 'musical relationship' of Czech and Slovaks. A permanent exhibition is located in the Cultural Centre Kaštan in Břevnov, featuring musical instruments, particularly electric guitars of Czechoslovak production and selected keyboard instruments used in former Czechoslovakia. Furthermore, there is an archive of sheet music and recordings that is available to researchers.