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Restaurování žaluziových okenic ve zvonici kostela Nejsvětějšího Srdce Páně

13.12.2018 — Kostel Nejsvětějšího Srdce Páně, č. parc. 2457, k.ú. Vinohrady, náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad, Praha 3

Restaurování žaluziových okenic ve zvonici kostela Nejsvětějšího Srdce Páně

13.12.2018 — Kostel Nejsvětějšího Srdce Páně, č. parc. 2457, k.ú. Vinohrady, náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad, Praha 3

Prague Zoo during the pandemic

31.3.2020 — Prague Zoo is closed to the public due to the pandemic, but life inside goes on through the zoo's new YouTube channel. According to director Miroslav Bobek, the zoo is functioning without any major issues. Roughly a third of employees are still working, taking care of the animals and basic operations, including curators, breeders, veterinarians, feeders and the maintenance crew. Construction work continues on sites such as the new gorilla pavilion.

TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: BA CISSOKO v Paláci Akropolis 23.3.2006 v 19:30 hod.

13.3.2006 — Pozvánka na koncert 23. 3. 2006 v 19:30 hod.

Newly updated mobile application PID Lítačka makes travelling easier

9.12.2019 — Passengers in Prague and in the Central Bohemian Region can now travel using just their mobile phone within Prague Integrated Transport, thanks to the new update of PID Lítačka mobile application, which was released on trial operation since Monday, the 2nd of December 2019. This application now allows passengers to convert their purchased long-term coupons and download them to the mobile application.