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Primátor Bohuslav Svoboda dnes zahájil prestižní výstavu World Press Photo

15.9.2011 — Vítězné snímky předních světových fotoreportérů hostí Praha po jednadvacáté. V prostorách pražského Karolina ocenil primátor hlavního města Prahy Bohuslav Svoboda irského fotografa Andrewa McConnella, který se letos stal držitelem Ceny Prahy. Ocenění získal za působivou fotografii členky jediného středoafrického symfonického orchestru. Kromě tuzemské poroty jeho práce z Konga, Ghany či Somálska vyzdvihla i mezinárodní porota WPP – ta jej ocenila jej i v kategorii Umění a zábava a v sekci portrétních fotografií. Instalace velkoformátových snímků je doplněna o dvanáct McConnellových děl.

Prague Invites Spectators Back into Theatres Through Virtual Reality

31.3.2021 — Prague City Hall, together with the Brainz Studios creative group, has today presented the globally unique service called Brejlando. It will offer experimental theatre experiences to its spectators in virtual reality (VR). With the help of state-of-the-art technologies and borrowed VR glasses, everyone can immerse in watching selected performances from Prague theatres from the comfort of their homes, as well as from a completely new angle - right from the stage, in close vicinity to the actors. The service is intended to help theatres and their fans overcome these difficult times of limited operation. However, at the same time, the initiators believe that they are establishing a new international trend that can become a permanent part of the theatres' offer.

Josef Sudek Gallery presents an exhibition of unique photos from Carpathian Ruthenia

19.1.2019 — Podkarpatská Rus (Carpathian Ruthenia), an exhibition of photos by Bohumil Vavrouška, will be open in the Josef Sudek Gallery, a branch of the Prague Museum of Decorative Arts, until 27th January 2019.

Sabine Reinfeld: obsessive and imaginable objects

30.9.2020 — As part of the 10th year of the Fotograf Festival, The Josef Sudek Studio in the Lesser Town of Prague is hosting an exhibition by the German photographer Sabine Reinfeld entitled 'Imaginable I, Obsessive Objects X Obsessive I, Imaginable Objects'. The exhibition takes place until the 11th of October. The aim of the tenth Fotograf Festival is to give space to works that create or address an encounter with the other and to resurrect the function that can be attributed in this way to documentary photography and motion picture.

Alarming exhibition in Prague Zoo

31.1.2020 — The Stolen Wildlife' ('Ukradená divočina') exhibition was originally created for Ostrava Zoo. After being displayed in Hodonín Zoo, it has now arrived in Prague Zoo, where it can be seen in front of the Education Centre.

Links to web pages

21.12.2005 —

Current information on Coronavirus Covid-19

27.2.2020 — At a press conference held following the meeting of the State Security Council, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Tomáš Petříček said that the infection of Czech citizens and fellow citizens abroad has not yet been confirmed. He asks Czech citizens to register in the Drozd system, at: https://drozd.mzv.cz , before travelling abroad, so they can be contacted if necessary.

Czech Museum of Music commemorates famous tenor Karel Burian

28.2.2020 — The Czech Museum of Music, which is part of the National Museum, is hosting an exhibition on the famous opera singer Karel Burian until the 2nd of March.

Women in politics

7.3.2019 — On the 19th of March 2019, the American Center in Prague will be screening the film '14 Women', along with a discussion with three Czech female MPs on the number of women in politics in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Christmas markets in the center of Prague this year with a fairytale touch

1.12.2018 — Republic Square 1. - 30.12.2018 Wenceslas Square 1.12.2018 - 6.1.2019 Old Town Square 1.12.2018 - 6.1.2019

Celebrate Prague Zoo’s anniversary

26.9.2020 — The 28th of September is the Day of Czech Statehood. In Prague Zoo, this day is traditionally dedicated to the zoo's anniversary. The reopening of the Hippopotamus Pavilion and the introduction of the male hippoTchéco will be the highlights of this year's celebration. However, in order to maintain social distancing and prevent large numbers of visitors indoors, this part of the event will be broadcasted on ČT24 in the morning and visitors will be able to visit the Hippo Pavilion over the course of the afternoon.

Free entrance to the National Gallery

31.1.2020 — Entrance to the National Gallery will be free at the beginning of February on the occasion of the 224th anniversary of the foundation of the Society of Patriotic Friends of Art ('Společnost vlasteneckých přátel umění'). Take this unique opportunity to visit their collections and exhibitions on the 1st and 2nd of February.

Do not miss the exhibition of state gifts in the Senate

24.3.2019 — In the 'Mytologická chodba' (Mythological Corridor) of the 'Valdštejnský palác' (Wallenstein Palace), which is the seat of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, there is a unique exhibition of gifts that Senators have received from foreign delegations over the past twenty years. Gift exchanges are a traditional part of meetings of state officials with delegations from abroad. This diplomatic protocol was applied in Antiquity and its first written record is from the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

‘Animal Days’ in Prague Zoo

15.1.2020 — The year 2020 in Prague Zoo will be dedicated to the 'Animal Days' project. The zoo will focus on a different species every month. January is for zebras!

Enjoy the quarantine with online tours and entertainment

23.3.2020 — Due to the coronavirus pandemic, you do not currently have the opportunity to visit exhibitions and museums in the Czech capital; however, you can still enjoy online tours and art from the comfort of your own home. For example, the City of Prague Museum is offering online exhibitions and tutorials for children.

First World War photography exhibition in Invalidovna

19.8.2019 — The exhibition, entitled 'Jenda Rajman's Camera' ('Fotoaparátem Jendy Rajmana'), that is on in Invalidovna, Prague, documents Czech participation on the Italian front during the First World War.