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Celkem záznamů: 43229
Pilotů Cinema hosts new Indian film festival

25.2.2020 — A brand-new film festival is coming to Prague. The first annual independent Indian film festival, 'INDIE-INDIA', will take place in the Pilotů Cinema on the 28th and 29th of February.

New entrance to the Botanical Garden in Troja

19.10.2020 — A barrier-free entrance to Prague Botanical Garden was opened in the southern part of St. Claire's Vineyard at the end of September. The garden had been planning to build a new entrance for several years, and their waiting has finally paid off. From now on, visitors can comfortably enter St. Claire's Vineyard directly from Trojská Street, at the intersection between the vineyard walls and Troja Château, where the Kovárna bus stop is conveniently situated.

Help Prague Zoo during the coronavirus pandemic

16.10.2020 — As a result of the further government regulations in relation to the coronavirus pandemic, Prague Zoo in Troja has had to close again. The zoo currently expects to close for 17 days, which means a big loss for the zoo. How can you help? Although Prague Zoo is largely funded by Prague City Hall, its resources are limited. Therefore, the zoo is asking the public for help.

Praha připravuje změny v dopravním značení

24.7.2006 — Od začátku července, kdy nabyl účinnosti nový silniční zákon, řidiči více respektují omezení rychlosti a některá rychlostní omezení proto ztrácejí smysl. Vedení města ve snaze zlepšit plynulost dopravy, zahájilo jednání o odstranění některých rychlostních omezení na území Prahy.