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Celkem záznamů: 17683
Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences Open Day

15.10.2019 — On the 16th of October, the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences will hold an Open Day. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the academy's historic building in Vinohrady in Prague, built in the 1920s by the Czech architect Josef Gočár, and learn about the history of the academy. The open day is part of the academy's 95th anniversary celebrations.

I Need to Address…

17.12.2012 —

Fotografická expozice ve Škodově paláci přibližuje kouzlo peruánské pouště

21.3.2007 — Výstavu fotografií fotografa Alejandra Balaguera nazvanou "Živá poušť" zahájila dnes vpodvečer v hlavní chodbě v přízemí Škodova paláce náměstkyně primátora hl. m. Prahy Markéta Reedová společně s velvyslancem republiky Peru v ČR J. E., panem Albertem Salasem Barahonou.

Czech Police Museum to host Festival of Swords

4.9.2020 — 'Katana Masuri 2020', the Festival of Swords or 'Slavnost mečů' in Czech, takes place in the Czech Police Museum once every three years. This year's fifth festival will take place on the 6th of September and will once again introduce not only the Japanese sword, but also Japanese culture to the public. The event covers a wide range of topics, from Europe to Asia, from the historical Middle Ages to fencing today.