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Celkem záznamů: 17684
Come and listen to music like in Mozart's era

31.7.2019 — Famous organ concerts in the baroque church of St. Francis of Assisi, in the heart of the Old Town of Prague, have their tradition since 1993. Besides compositions by world-famous composers from the Baroque and Classicism periods, music by Czech composers is also regularly played there.

Prague monitors the coronavirus situation

31.1.2020 — The leaders of the Integrated Rescue System and other bodies met in Prague City Hall in order to discuss and exchange information on preparations for potential occurrences of coronavirus in Prague.

Prague Zoo exhibition captures the beauty of Przewalski’s horses

31.10.2020 — Do not despair if you missed the exhibition 'The Beauty of Wild Horses' in Prague Zoo before its closure. The garden has prepared an online version of the exhibition, which is now available on their website. Prague Zoo has played an important role in saving Przewalski's horse from extinction since 1921, and more recently, in returning these wild horses to their natural habitat, the steppes of central Asia. The zoo also keeps a breed registry for Przewalski's horse species.

Prague Is a World-Class City Thanks to UNESCO

11.12.2017 — On December 4, 2017, Prague celebrated the 25th anniversary of the inscription of the Historical Center of Prague on the UNESCO's List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The international conference Prague – World Heritage City 2017 was organized to commemorate this occasion.