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Celkem záznamů: 17684
Romani and Balkan rhythms in Campus Hybernská

28.7.2020 — On Thursday, the 30th of July, the Trio Romano will perform a concert in Campus Hybernská's garden. The band, which focuses on the classical Romani repertoire and other music styles, will certainly make the audience dance.

Latvian dancers in Prague

9.3.2020 — X10 Theatre will feature the Latvian dance performance 'Labrys' on the 10th of March, as part of the 'Spectaculare' festival. Two million people live in Latvia, and it currently has nine professional, and at least two hundred amateur and semi-professional, theatre groups. Unfortunately, Latvian theatre is not often shown in the Czech Republic, so theatregoers, especially those interested in dance theatre, should not miss this opportunity.

Founded 1918 / Symbolic Power of the Bohemian Crown Jewels

16.1.2018 — In order to commemorate the 100th anniversary from the declaration of the Czechoslovakia and the 25th anniversary from the foundation of the Czech Republic, the Bohemian Crown Jewels will be exhibited in the Vladislav Hall at the Old Royal Palace.