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Celkem záznamů: 17683
The adventure park on Libeňský Island reopens for the summer

5.4.2019 — 'Lanové centrum Loděnice Vltava', the popular adventure park operated by Prague's Youth Centre, is reopening after the winter break on the 7th of April.

Finanční příspěvky města pro sportovní akce

10.6.2008 — Rada hlavního města Prahy schválila přidělení finančních prostředků v celkové výši 5 780 000 korun na podporu sportovních akcí v roce 2008. Hlavní město Praha na tyto akce přispívá a podporuje je v rámci partnerství při jejich pořádání.

Prague Audiovisual Fund

13.2.2017 — Prague is the traditional centre of the Czech film industry and a favourite destination for foreign film crews. By founding the Prague Audiovisual Fund, the city wants to actively support the presentation of the City of Prague abroad through film and television productions.

Collection of Pablo Picasso's etchings that are exhibited for the first time in the Czech Republic

6.1.2019 — The extensive graphic collection Passion and Guilt by the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso are on exhibit in Museum Kampa until the 15th of January 2019. The works, which were created in the 1930s, are on loan from the renowned Museo Reina Sofía (Queen Sofía Museum) in Madrid, Spain. They can be seen in the Czech Republic for the first time ever. The cycle is a collection of one hundred works that the artist compared to a diary, reflecting on his extraordinary life story.