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Celkem záznamů: 17683
Summer concerts in Riegrovy sady

15.7.2020 — Popular music concerts will take place in Riegrovy sady until mid-August. Instead of selling out stadiums, popular bands will bring a magical atmosphere to one of Prague's popular beer-gardens, making your summer nights in Prague unforgettable with a series of open-air concerts.

Tour Prague on a culture tram

15.6.2020 — A special 'culture tram' has begun touring Prague city. From the outside, the tram serves as a moving decoration for the streets of Prague, where it will ride through all year round; inside, it promotes various cultural events taking place in Prague. From time to time, events will also take place on the tram, which will be used as a mobile stage for concerts and theatre performances, or simply as a reading place. "Cultural life is finally slowly awakening after coronavirus. I am pleased that we can arrange cultural activities in this innovative way for the people of Prague too", Hana Třeštíková, Prague City Councillor for Culture and Tourism, said.

Sobotní triatlon částečně omezí dopravu na pražské Strakonické ulici

5.8.2009 — V sobotu 8. srpna 2009 proběhne tradiční mezinárodní závod v dlouhém triatlonu „Czech Bigman 2009“. Jedná se o závod Světového poháru v dlouhém triatlonu a akce je pořádána pod záštitou primátora hl. m. Prahy. Uzavírka na trase cyklistické části závodu na Strakonické ulici ve směru do centra bude v úseku hranice Prahy – přemostění do Malé Chuchle v době od 8.00 do 18.00 hodin.