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Celkem záznamů: 17683
What’s on for ‘čarodějnice’ (Saint Walpurgis Night) in Prague this year?

30.4.2019 — Originating from a pagan feast, 'pálení čarodějnic' or 'čarodějnice' for short, a Czech version of Saint Walpurgis Night, has become a folk custom and tradition.

Spooky pumpkins in Prague Botanical Garden

30.10.2019 — Like every year, Prague Botanical Garden is getting ready for the Halloween celebrations on the last day of October. Pumpkin carving, games, competitions, a bonfire and, of course, a pumpkin parade will be part of the celebrations. Come and join the Halloween celebrations in Prague Botanical Garden.

New season of summer cinema in Prague

30.6.2019 — After the winter break, the new season of summer cinema has begun again. Open-air cinemas in Prague traditionally attract visitors every year from the beginning of June until the end of September. And the programme of films on offer is truly varied, including blockbusters and award-winning films, and less well-known films. So where can you enjoy screenings under the stars?

Informace o dopravních omezeních při akci CZECH BIGMAN

6.6.2008 — V souvislosti s konáním sportovně společenské akce CZECH BIGMAN (cyklistika, běh) bude v sobotu 7. června 2008 od 7.00 do 18.00hod uzavřena ulice Strakonická ve směru do centra v úseku hranice hl. m. Prahy až po přemostění do Malé Chuchle.