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Celkem záznamů: 17627
Pilotů Cinema hosts new Indian film festival

25.2.2020 — A brand-new film festival is coming to Prague. The first annual independent Indian film festival, 'INDIE-INDIA', will take place in the Pilotů Cinema on the 28th and 29th of February.

Traditional Slavic carnival ‘Masopust’ and pig slaughter feast at Ctěnice Chateau

16.2.2020 — The City of Prague Museum has prepared a traditional carnival at Ctěnice Chateau on the 16th of February. As usual, besides feasting, you can enjoy a varied programme that will attract and delight all age groups.

New entrance to the Botanical Garden in Troja

19.10.2020 — A barrier-free entrance to Prague Botanical Garden was opened in the southern part of St. Claire's Vineyard at the end of September. The garden had been planning to build a new entrance for several years, and their waiting has finally paid off. From now on, visitors can comfortably enter St. Claire's Vineyard directly from Trojská Street, at the intersection between the vineyard walls and Troja Château, where the Kovárna bus stop is conveniently situated.

Na pražském Výstavišti byl zahájen Holiday World

13.2.2004 — PRAHA – Dnes v poledne byl slavnostně zahájen 13. ročník evropského veletrhu Holiday World. Pražský náměstek JUDr. Petr Hulinský, do jehož kompetence oblast výstavnictví a veletržních aktivit na území hlavního města spadá přivítal účastníky veletrhu v Lapidáriu Výstaviště.