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Face Czech

17.1.2011 — Sportovně zdravotní centrum s vlastní školící ACADEMY nabízí služby fyzioterapie, posilovny, pilates, aerobiku, BOSU, jógy, masáží a solária. Dále u nás najdete dětský klub, dámský klub, osobní trénink, Pilates Clinic, speciální soboty pro klienty.

Clarinet Factory concert to support palliative care

9.10.2019 — On the 10th of October, Clarinet Factory will perform classical, jazz, world and electronic music in La Fabrika cultural centre in Holešovice, Prague. The concert is held to celebrate World Hospice and Palliative Care Day and the four musicians will perform in support of Cesta domů Home Hospice in Prague.

Zažij horečku sobotní noci v běžeckém stylu!

27.8.2013 — Večerní závod O2 Grand Prix Praha je opět tady, tentokráte s novou trasou, od které organizátoři očekávají rychlejší časy.

The 20th Summer Festivities of Early Music – a highlight of the music season in Prague

15.7.2019 — The 20th Anniversary of the Summer Festivities of Early Music has started! The first of seven exclusive evenings of music took place on the 11th of July and the international music festival will run until the 6th of August. The well-known festival has been connecting old music with architecture for 20 years, as the concerts take place at specially selected historical venues in the Czech capital city, such as the Convent of Saint Agnes, Břevnov Monastery, Troja Château, and Rudolfinum.