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Celkem záznamů: 17626
Sobotní triatlon částečně omezí dopravu na pražské Strakonické ulici

5.8.2009 — V sobotu 8. srpna 2009 proběhne tradiční mezinárodní závod v dlouhém triatlonu „Czech Bigman 2009“. Jedná se o závod Světového poháru v dlouhém triatlonu a akce je pořádána pod záštitou primátora hl. m. Prahy. Uzavírka na trase cyklistické části závodu na Strakonické ulici ve směru do centra bude v úseku hranice Prahy – přemostění do Malé Chuchle v době od 8.00 do 18.00 hodin.

Summer concerts in Riegrovy sady

15.7.2020 — Popular music concerts will take place in Riegrovy sady until mid-August. Instead of selling out stadiums, popular bands will bring a magical atmosphere to one of Prague's popular beer-gardens, making your summer nights in Prague unforgettable with a series of open-air concerts.

Tour Prague on a culture tram

15.6.2020 — A special 'culture tram' has begun touring Prague city. From the outside, the tram serves as a moving decoration for the streets of Prague, where it will ride through all year round; inside, it promotes various cultural events taking place in Prague. From time to time, events will also take place on the tram, which will be used as a mobile stage for concerts and theatre performances, or simply as a reading place. "Cultural life is finally slowly awakening after coronavirus. I am pleased that we can arrange cultural activities in this innovative way for the people of Prague too", Hana Třeštíková, Prague City Councillor for Culture and Tourism, said.