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Celkem záznamů: 21830
Prague: the heart of nations

29.5.2019 — The 21st international festival, "Prague Heart of Nations 2019", is the largest joint event for minorities in the Czech Republic, bringing a wealth of traditions from nations around the world. From the 30th of May to the 3rd of June, the festival will symbolically take place in the heart of Europe - the historical centre of Prague. Since 1999, musicians, singers and dancers have come to the Czech capital to perform traditional folk art from their native countries. This year, Prague will welcome a wide range of artists once again.

Norwegian nu-jazz magicians Jaga Jazzist, one of the best concert groups of the present day.

1.4.2019 — The Concert Cycle Jazz of Four Continents in Jazz Dock

Prague full of Jazz

1.4.2019 — In April, 'Mladí Ladí Jazz', the annual International Youth Jazz Festival in Prague, will bring seven evenings of concerts where world renowned stars will be performing, workshops and, of course, the traditional youth competition 'Jazzfruit'. The festival is looking for talents in contemporary jazz and the experimental scene from the Czech Republic and abroad, and introduce them to the public. Its main goal is to bring the attention of a young audience back to jazz music and restore traditions of this music in the Czech Republic.

The opening of the 74th International Prague Spring

12.5.2019 — The 74th Prague Spring International Classical Music Festival is about to start in the Czech capital.

Den celoživotního vzdělávání a Festival absolventů

5.4.2016 — Srdečně Vás zveme na Den celoživotního vzdělávání a Festival absolventů, který se bude konat v sobotu 16. 04. 2016 v prostorách Karolina od 10 do 16:00 hodin.

Sculpture line 2023

28.7.2023 — Mezinárodní festival Sculpture line letos v Praze představuje více než tři desítky instalací ve veřejném prostoru a nabízí Pražanům i návštěvníkům metropole zajímavá setkání se současným sochařstvím.


20.9.2007 — Pozvánka na mezinárodní harmonický festival

AniFest s. r. o.

8.10.2009 —

Organ players from all around the world are heading to Basilica of St. James the Greater

26.8.2019 — The largest organ in Prague is in the Basilica of St. James the Greater ('Bazilika svatého Jakuba Většího'). This church will be filled with the beautiful sounds of this great instrument during the 24th International Organ Festival.

Barrel-organists meet at the Czech Museum of Music

10.8.2020 — The 7th annual barrel-organ music festival, 'Flašinet žije', will take place in the historic heart of Prague on the 11th of August. Street artists from the Czech Republic and Slovakia will bring music and energy to three venues in the city centre. The barrel-organ music festival will commence at 10am with a concert in the church of St. Nicholas in the Old Town square. The beautiful baroque church will witness a barrel-organ performance of popular classical music pieces.