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Praha bude mít novou koncertní síň

12.8.2019 — Datum vydání: 12.08.2019, Zdroj: TV Praha | Téma: Petr Hlaváček

Výročí, na která se nezapomíná

3.8.2007 — Zdá se to téměř neuvěřitelné, ale už je to pět let, kdy Prahu zastihla snad nejtragičtější událost kromě válečných let v její dlouhé historii.

S návratem tramvají na Václavák posečkám

20.12.2012 — Právo | 20.12.2012 | Rubrika: Praha - Střední Čechy | Strana: 9 | Autor: Petr Janiš | Téma: Tomáš Hudeček

Dopravní uzávěry kvůli opravám obtěžují i města

29.8.2016 — TV Nova | 29.8.2016 | 19:30 | Pořad: Televizní noviny | Téma: Volené orgány - Primátorka - Adriana Krnáčová

24th Strings of Autumn Festival offers alternative concerts

7.9.2020 — Israeli bassist Avishai Cohen will launch the Strings of Autumn festival on the Lucerna Rooftop on the 11th of September, with up to 250 spectators. The capacity is limited to 250 spectators. Music lovers will enjoy Cohen's concert in an unusually intimate atmosphere, very different to the great halls where he usually plays. The charming environment on the Lucerna Palace Rooftop between the Prague towers offers a unique view of Prague's landmarks and makes the concert even more special.

Exhibition of Jan Saudek’s photographs in Malostranská beseda

12.7.2020 — Malostranská beseda has prepared a unique exhibition of photographs to celebrate the world-renowned photographer Jan Saudek's 85th birthday. Due to great popularity, the exhibition has been extended until the end of July. The exhibition includes 85 images from the artist's career, some of which have never been exhibited or published before. Saudek's correspondence and notes are also displayed.

Anděl Pedestrian Zone attracts street food lovers

7.6.2020 — Food lovers can look forward to the 'Fresh & Deli market' street food festival, which will take place at the Anděl Pedestrian Zone in Smíchov on Wednesday the 10th of June. Street food festivals, including those that celebrate particular dishes and cuisines, are becoming more and more popular and trendy.

The Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre is one of the centrepieces of the Petřín Park

20.1.2019 — The long-neglected ecclesiastical building was completely restored under the supervision of the state heritage preservation boards.

Výluka provozu na lince metra C

14.11.2023 — Od pátku 17. listopadu do neděle 19. listopadu bude přerušen provoz metra C v úseku I. P. Pavlova - Vltavská. Důvodem je oprava trati metra.