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Celkem záznamů: 17683
21 projects compete in climate change competition finals

16.8.2020 — The public voting for the Adapterra Awards competition has started. The competition aims to find the best ideas on how to prepare Czech cities, towns and landscapes for the effects of climate change, such as drought, rising temperatures and torrential rain. 21 projects have reached the final stage of the competition, five of which are from Prague. The public have until the end of September to choose the best projects in the Czech Republic tackling current challenges regarding climate change, such as creating green buildings and public spaces, cooling urban streets and returning water to the landscape.

Noise in Prague

17.8.2005 —

Prestigious canoe slalom races culminate in Troja, Prague

5.9.2019 — From the 6th to the 8th of September, Prague will host the ICF Canoe Slalom World Cup finals. The series of top-class canoe slalom races will culminate at the artificial canoe slalom course in Troja, along with the Extreme Canoe Slalom CSLX World Championships 2019.

International padel tournament in Prague

15.8.2019 — The padel tournament, International Padel Experience by Madison, will take place in Prague for the first time from the 16th to the 18th of August.

Prague Improvisation Orchestra’s experimental project in Fair Trade Palace in Prague

23.11.2019 — The event will include many musicians, microphones, speakers, and tape recorders, and spectators will be able to move freely among them. The project will resemble a live installation.

Město podepsalo memorandum o podpoře volnočasových aktivit mladých

29.10.2019 — Radní hl. m. Prahy pro oblast školství Vít Šimral dnes za hlavní město podepsal Memorandum o vzájemné spolupráci při podpoře volnočasových aktivit a pomoci získání dovedností pro budoucí život a kariéru mladých lidí s The Duke of Edinburghs International Award Czech Republic Foundation, o.p.s. (DofE). Memorandum bylo uzavřeno na dobu tří let.

Fantasy Park Czech Republic

20.1.2011 — Herna má k dispozici 8 kvalitních drah a dále k dispozici billiardové stoly, net a wifi café. Možnost firemních a narozeninových oslav na klíč.

Platba kartou na radnici

3.8.2020 — Na zbraslavské radnici lze od července platit platebními kartami, mobilním telefonem či hodinkami.

Environmental education and awareness (EEA) in the City of Prague

21.6.2007 — the text based on the chapter Environmental education and awareness (EEA) in the City of Prague published in yearbooks Prague Environment 2006

Dipensi Pekiti-Tirsia Kali Czech Republic

21.1.2011 — Sportovní klub zabývající se výukou a propagací praktické sebeobrany, neozbrojeného boje proti jednomu či více soupeřům, boje se zbraněmi a bojem s nožem. Tréninky probíhají v tělocvičně ZŠ Trávníčkova ve Stodůlkách a v tělocvičně v Braníku.

PRESS RELEASE: The City sets guidelines for the provision of grants for the restoration of monuments for 2005 (2006)

20.5.2005 — News from the 36th meeting of the Council of the City of Prague, 26 November 2004

Zápis z komise Rady HMP - redakční rada

22.10.2003 — ze dne 17.10.2003