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Celkem záznamů: 17626
Zápis z komise Rady HMP - redakční rada

2.10.2002 — ze dne 27.9. 2002

Florballisté se již ve čtvrtek utkají v Praze

2.8.2004 — Špičky světového florballu se tento týden sjedou do Prahy na 12. ročník mezinárodního florballového turnaje Czech Open 2004. Záštitu nad turnajem převzal náměstek pražského primátora JUDr. Petr Hulinský. Město jako spolupořadatel přispělo na tuto akci částkou 600 tisíc korun. Turnaj se koná od 5. do 8. srpna.

Florbaloví mistři se utkají v Praze

16.7.2004 — Špičky světového florbalu se již za dva týdny sjedou do Prahy na 12. ročník mezinárodního florbalového turnaje Czech Open 2004. Záštitu nad ním převzal náměstek pražského primátora Petr Hulinský. Město jako spolupořadatel přispělo na tuto akci částkou 600 tisíc korun. Turnaj se koná od 5. do 8. srpna.

State of emergency - COVID-19

13.3.2020 — On Thursday, March 12, the Czech government approved the announcement of an emergency situation throughout the Czech Republic. Emergency is declared for 30 days. Since March 16, Czech government declared ban on traveling abroad and entry of foreigners into the Czech Republic from all around the world. The measures are in effect until further notice. All information can be found at: https://www.mzcr.cz/Cizinci/, optionally at: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/index.html.

Prague Spring presents: Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival 2019

15.11.2019 — Five excellent pianists will take part in the seventh annual Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival, which will take place between the 17th and the 23rd of November. This year, festival goers can once again look forward to an extraordinary music experience.

The "100 Years - 534 Artists" Exhibition will present unreleased stamps from famous authors

18.12.2018 — Until next March, an exhibition will take place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Postal Museum, where the postage stamps from 1918 - 2018 will be presented. Visitors will also see the unveiled and less known proposals.

The "100 Years - 534 Artists" Exhibition will present unreleased stamps from famous authors

18.12.2018 — Until next March, an exhibition will take place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Postal Museum, where the postage stamps from 1918 - 2018 will be presented. Visitors will also see the unveiled and less known proposals.