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Celkem záznamů: 17626
Prague City Gallery: introducing young artists

30.4.2019 — Prague City Gallery has prepared yet another exhibition as part of the 'Start up' series, which is a great opportunity for younger generations of Czech visual artists.

Taste young wines in Troja

10.11.2019 — Are you a lover of young wines? Then you should not miss St. Martin's toast on the 11th of November 2019, a traditional event in the Prague Botanic Garden.

V Paláci Adria se uskuteční slavnostní otevření společného klientského centra

7.4.2004 — Slavnostní otevření společné obchodní kanceláře Pražské energetiky a Pražské plynárenské v rámci projektu „Spolu za Prahu“ se ve čtvrtek 8. dubna uskuteční za účasti představitelů obou společností a zástupců města v Paláci Adria na Jungmannově náměstí.

Festival Jazz On5 přivítá Lovana, Parkse i slavné The Bad Plus

2.11.2022 — Jazz Dock zve na další ročník svého nejprestižnějšího festivalu Jazz On5. Ten letošní má navíc být jedním z nejnabitějších v historii klubu. Od 3. do 9. listopadu se můžete těšit n takové hvězdy, jako je například legendární saxofonista Joe Lovan, klavírista Aaron Parks, americká zpěvačka Gretchen Parlato nebo slavná kapela The Bad Plus.

Strategie adaptace hl. m. Prahy na změnu klimatu

9.8.2018 — Základní strukturované informace o dokumentu a jeho přípravě, stav k 8/2018

Changes to The Prague Planetarium

3.1.2019 — Štefánikova hvězdárna (The Štefánik Observatory), Planetárium Praha (The Prague Planetarium) and Hvězdárna Ďáblice (The Ďáblice Observatory) have a new platform. They no longer need to be individually searched for under long and confusing names, as was the case in the past. Now, you can find them under one name: Planetum, with a single webpage and a unified presentation.

Exhibition on Screen: Introducing the young Picasso

27.3.2019 — On the 31st of March 2019, a project dedicated to the early works of Pablo Picasso will be screened in Lucerna cinema as part of the Exhibition on Screen series.

Embark on a journey along the banks of the Nile

10.8.2019 — The Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures recently opened a new exhibition 'On the banks of the Nile' ('Na břehu Nilu' in Czech), showing visitors the history of ancient Egypt and Nubia.

Baroque Bastion XXXI offers great views and art

23.3.2020 — Founded in 1348 by Emperor Charles IV, Bastion XXXI forms part of the New Town of Prague's medieval walls. It not only offers visitors magnificent views of the Vyšehrad skyline, the Vltava waterfront, and many other historical buildings, but outdoor exhibitions are also regularly held there.

Physical aspects of radio broadcasting in the art of Roman Štětina

15.1.2019 — Until the 24th of February 2019, you can visit an unusual exhibition of audiovisual works by the gifted young artist Roman Štětina in Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, one of the exceptional Baroque mansions in the Old Town. Roman Štětina has been focused on radio since the beginning of his career. In this exhibition, created in cooperation with fashion designer Mia Jadrná, he highlights the gradual disappearance of audio technology and the hidden art of radio professionals. His main interest lies in what precedes encounters with broadcasted sound - what exists in the "foreword."