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Celkem záznamů: 17626
New life for the Prague Market

29.2.2020 — Prague City Hall intend to transform the Prague Market into a lively space with a wide range of shops, services and cultural activities for all generations, following the takeover of the market in Holešovice last year. The Prague Market, a former slaughterhouse, offers a rich cultural programme for the occasion of its 125th birthday this year.

Experience outer space with the Cosmos Discovery exhibition

5.1.2020 — Find out all about the history of space travel at the Cosmos Discovery exhibition, which has been on display at Holešovice Exhibition Grounds since the 27th of December.

Dance season on Střelecký Island is here!

29.6.2020 — Střelecký Island ('Střelecký ostrov' or simply 'Střelák' to the locals) in the heart of Prague not only offers scenic views of Charles Bridge and Prague Castle, and romantic walks in the shade of mature trees, but has also become a place for free outdoor public dancing in recent years. Many dance programmes and workshops take place on a pontoon that has been anchored to the island for several years, offering an additional stage and dance floor. Dancing is a pleasant social activity, as well as a manifestation of emotions. It is an art form, which brings the pleasure of moving to music to everyone, both spectators and dancers, whether they dance alone, in pairs or in groups.

73 buildings open their doors for Open House Prague 2020

31.8.2020 — This year, the Open House Prague urban architecture festival will take place on the weekend of the 5th and 6th September. A total of 73 architecturally interesting buildings and spaces will be open free of admission to the public.

Listen to Camille Saint-Saëns’ masterpieces

29.2.2020 — Prague Conservatory invites you to an incredible musical experience on the 2nd of March, when you will get the chance to enjoy the composer Camille Saint-Saëns's works in their representative hall. Students of the Prague Conservatory and the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (HAMU) organised the concert. They formed the orchestra and they will present three instrumental compositions by the French master.

Tourism in Prague

14.1.2010 —

Rudým NE! Bohaté zdanit ANO

8.3.2017 — Zdroj: Blesk - regionální mutace jižní Morava | Deník | Strana: 4 Oblast: Bulvár Vydavatel: CZECH NEWS CENTER, a.s. 8. března 2017

Praha je jedním ze tří měst světa, které se mohou pyšnit maratónským ohněm

6.5.2010 — Pochodeň s ohněm přímo z řeckého Marathonu doslova přiběhl předat Roman Šebrle s deseti nadějnými mladými atlety do rukou primátora hl. m. Prahy Pavla Béma a Dany Zátopkové, olympijské oštěpařky a manželky čtyřnásobného olympijského vítěze ve vytrvalostním běhu Emila Zátopka, na Staroměstské náměstí. Maratónský oheň bude provázet celý letošní ročník závodu Volkswagen Marathon Praha pořádaný v rámci Prague International Marathon.

Z paláce Adria se stane startupové centrum

2.9.2015 — V pražském rondokubistickém paláci Adria vznikne ve spolupráci Magistrátu hlavního města Prahy, Czech ICT Alliance a za podpory agentury CzechInvest nové centrum pro rozvoj podnikání Prague Startup Center. Firmy zde dostanou jak technickou, tak administrativní a obchodní pomoc pro svůj rozvoj. Prague Startup Center se stane centrem pro spolupráci napříč privátní, veřejnou i akademickou sférou. Oznámili to dnes na tiskové konferenci radní pro oblast majetku Michal Hašek, náměstek primátorky Petr Dolínek a generální ředitel agentury CzechInvest Karel Kučera.

Take part in public biathlon race in Prague

13.2.2020 — Are you interested in trying a biathlon? On the 15th of February, you will have the unique opportunity to take part in ČEZ Handy Biathlon for everyone in the Vypich area in Prague. Come to race and have fun, while at the same time supporting people with disabilities.

Waste management in Prague - introduction

23.6.2005 — úvodní text k rubrice s praktickými informacemi pro cizince s dlouhodobým pobytem v Praze